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Last Market of the Year

It was a bitterly cold and foggy day for our last market of 2022!  However, this did not stop many of our regular customers from coming down to purchase meats, poultry, cheeses, veggies, fresh bread, gin and lots more for Christmas feasting!

Luckily nearly all our stallholders managed to get there, despite snow fast closing in from the Cotswolds and west country!

Fortunately it didn't hit Maidenhead until overnight so it could have been a lot worse for local travellers.

The complimentary mulled wine and mince pies should have helped to warm up customers whilst local singer Don McDermott added some jollity to proceedings with his repertoire of seasonal songs and music invoking times past.

We will be back on 8th January  and will have to see whether it's still freezing or maybe it will be slightly warmer. Whatever it does, you can be sure that the market will be running as usual.  You can keep up via our facebook page.

by Maidenhead Farmers' Market 14 October 2022
A round-up of 2022.
by Maidenhead Farmers' Market 21 January 2021
It was a cold day for our first market in January and considering it coincided with the start of the latest lockdown was well attended. There were many regular customers and one or two new ones discovering us for the first time! Keeping you supplied with fresh, local produce such as meat, fish, cheese, bread, eggs and veg and a choice of baked goods, preserves as well as specialist products including alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks remains our priority. To keep informed of who to expect each month why not sign up to our newsletter (home page)? Looking forward to meeting you at a market soon.
by Maidenhead Farmers' Market 9 November 2020
Donations totalling a magnificent £112.87 were made by customers towards the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal at our market on Remembrance Sunday 2020. Turnout held up despite the new lockdown measures having come into effect three days earlier. It was good to see so many people out to support the market. We observed the two minutes' silence at 11 o'clock and were entertained by local singer Don McDermott who helped raise the mood by performing many of the well-known songs from the wartime era and 1940s/1950s.
by Maidenhead Farmers' Market 11 May 2020
The May market was the second held during the coronavirus lockdown conditions. The early morning sunshine brought out our customers who were able to shop for food essentials in well a spaced out market, where social distancing proved almost second nature! We had a good selection of produce from ten producers this time including new season's strawberries and asparagaus. The next market falls on Sunday, 14 June. Hope you can make it!
by Maidenhead Farmers' Market 13 April 2020
The first market to be held during the coronavirus lockdown took place on Easter Sunday. Customers were able to shop for a range of fresh local produce in the open air, whilst observing the 2 metre social distancing rule. Measures were in place to control the number of people on site and this worked well whilst the hot sunshine and fresh air was adequate compensation for a few minutes waiting! There was a good range of produce available from the eight stallholders that attended, ie fresh baked goods, including bread, pies, pasties and quiches, all meats and poultry, fresh and smoked trout, eggs, honey, cheeses as well real cider and the wine-lovers beer. All our small producers were happy to be able to offer this valuable service to customers during the continuation of the lockdown period. Many now offer a free home delivery service immediately following the market and information on this can be found here .
by Maidenhead Farmes' Market 10 February 2020
Customers weren't disappointed as six stalls braved Ciara yesterday and managed to hang on in there whilst 40-50 mph winds did their best to disrupt the market. Despite the weather warnings, a number of regular customers ventured out and were able to purchase meat, fish, eggs, cheese and honey from Eadles, Selsey Shellfish, Brookleas Trout, Gould's Cheese, Castleman's Farm and Halfacre's Honey. Fortunately the rain managed to hold off until midday when it was decided to call time. Thanks to everyone who came down to support our local producers. We are proud to say that we can still maintain the claim: "we never cancel, whatever the weather".
by Maidenhead Farmers' Market 16 September 2019
Maidenhead Farmers' Market reached a milestone on 8 September when we celebrated our twentieth birthday! Music by the Moonlight Foxes and friends set the mood of the morning. We welcomed old and new customers who enjoyed a slice of birthday cake and also received a free '£2 off' voucher by way of a thank you for supporting us which they could offset against a purchase of fresh produce at one of our stalls. We were in the vanguard of local farmers' markets back in 1999 and still adhere to the ethos of supporting local farmers, growers, bakers, cidermakers, beekeepers etc, enabling them to sell direct to the consumer. Markets have expanded greatly since and now nearly every town and village can lay claim to their local producers' market which has encouraged many people to set up new food businesses. To ensure you are buying 'genuine own produce' we do run checks and try to visit all our producers beforehand as we always did to maintain standards. Celtic Bakers provided the delicious organic carrot cake (pictured held by Diane Harker, Market Manager - with some of our stallholders and helpers). Photo: Maidenhead Advertiser
by Maidenhead Farmers' Market 23 July 2019
We hope you like our new-look website which we launch today. It will be easier to keep in touch and find out what's new if you check in here regularly. We will endeavour to update and continually improve it and we look forward to your helpful feedback! If anyone would like to help us in our promotion of the market or would be interested in writing a related piece about it, or any individual stallholder, then do get in touch.
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